I never thought I would be back to where I once was so long ago. I am very, very pleased with my weight loss so far and after thinking about where I want to be, I have decided to go for 12 more pounds this year. As stated yesterday IContinue Reading

I made this today and was very impressed with its flavor! Brussel sprouts Broccoli Red peppers Red Onion Tomatoes For the dressing…..1 tbsp of Vegan Mayo, Dijon mustard, lemon juice and Chia seeds! VERY GOOD!! Note : For the Vegan Mayo. I get mine from Whole foods. The Brand isContinue Reading

It seems like it has been forever since my daily result blogs. Miss them! I am hoping soon I will get back to blogging as regular as I once did but for now the easy FB posting of my pics will do. My April Challenge is still going on thoughContinue Reading

I recently had the privilege of meeting a wonderful runner on FB. His story is inspirational. He has a book out called “Heading Toward the Final Finish Line.” I have just ordered my copy! You can find his blog on Amazon. Here is a link to his blog and FBContinue Reading