Blended together in the Vitamix…. Carrots, pear, apple, broccoli, red cabbage, spinach, pineapple and water! Make it a great day! – Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Here is a great mix you can have with grilled fish, chicken or tofu. Leeks, napa cabbage, red bell pepper, shallots, mushrooms, yellow squash, brussel sprouts mixed with garlic salt, oregano, rosemary, thyme, sage, basil and a small amount of Organic coconut oil. Enjoy!!! – Posted using BlogPress from myContinue Reading

Indian chickpea salad with Grilled wild Perch. What’s on your plate today? – Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

My favorite way to start off another week…..Greens!! Vitamineral Green and Earth from HealthForce Nutritionals, absolutely amazing! Make it a great day! – Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

New 10 day challenge totals –  Jen – Miles – 64.91/ 100 Push ups – 1,005 /1,000 Micah – Miles – 101.90/100 Pushups – 1,000/1,000…………….WAY TO GO BABY!!!! Well needless to say my husband won the challenge and to be honest, I am SO proud of him! I have set severalContinue Reading