Last year I started the Clean Program and loved the results. I am thinking about going back to this type of eating, well with the exception when we go on vacation in a few weeks. I am going to treat myself then 🙂 But other than when we travel, IContinue Reading

Must keep pressing on….. Monday – 3 mile run – easy along with Barre Pilates/ST Tuesday –  ST – Cardio Supersets Wednesday – 5 mile run – tempo Thursday –  ST – Afterburn or Supersets along with  HIIT on bike Friday – Rest Saturday – 8 mile run – easy

This photo is beautiful to me. It speaks to my heart in so many ways….. Write down a list the excuses you have used in the past for not working out, for letting life pass you by, for not living in the moment. Now, replace the words I can’t withContinue Reading

Fennel, carrot, cilantro, ginger and celery blended together with water. I added a ton of ginger… was great! Looks funky, but healthy 🙂 Have a blessed day! – Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

I friend from FB took one of my running photos and was so sweet to make this for me. I wanted to share it with you all. This poem holds a very special meaning to me for it was one the first poems I posted on our family blog backContinue Reading