Below is a short but effective video from Sparkpeople’s coach Nicole.  I wanted to post this for people who view my site but are not members of Spark.  If you are new to pilates try starting off with this routine 3 times a week.  If you have been training for some time, addContinue Reading

Another day in the books! I did well today, it was hard as my legs were pretty sore but I pressed on. I did not follow the plan that I had made for today, but the variation proved to be a great change of pace and left me exhausted andContinue Reading

This was in my email this morning and I found it the perfect motivation to get my day started! So what can I do today that will take me a step closer towards success? I will give the next 24 hours all that I have. I will take time toContinue Reading

Today was the start of a new week with new goals and it was a success! I ended up going for a short walk/run in the morning as the weather was so cool, it just seemed a waste not to go out there and enjoy it.  My legs are prettyContinue Reading

I was first introduced to the protein pancake by my friend Bekka and ever since I have been hooked!! Here is my version of the recipe –  4 egg whites 1/2 cup of raw oats 1 Tsp. of cinnamon  1Tbsp. of ground flaxseeds Additional ingredients you can add –  1/2Continue Reading

If you think you are beaten, you are,If you think you dare not, you don’t.If you like to win, but think you can’t,It is almost certain you won’t If you think you’ll lose, you’re lostFor out of the world we findSuccess begins with a fellow’s willIt’s all in the state of mind If you think you are outclassed, you are,You’ve gotContinue Reading

Today was a really great workout. I did a similar routine as yesterday, except working my back and biceps and I changed up the interval pattern a bit. It proved to be a wonderful way to increase my overall burn. I alternated heavy lifting with lighter weights then when myContinue Reading

This morning I was thinking about the name of my site – Jen’sJourney and what exactly is this journey I am on? I have come to realize that there will be days when we are accomplishing more than we ever imagined, and then there are times where we have to fight aContinue Reading