NYC Marathon Motivation!
Someday soon I WILL cross that line!! “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams!” Thoreau
Someday soon I WILL cross that line!! “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams!” Thoreau
“I’ve come to realize that the difference in success or failure is not how you look, how you dress, or how you’re educated. It’s how you think!” Mac Anderson Something for all of us to remember! Our thoughts control our actions, let us be mindful of them today…… We WILL reachContinue Reading
I found this video through a group on spark that I am apart of called Thrive. This dressing looks great…..give it a try!
I have been watching the Olympics non stop and there is one commercial from Nike that I just can not get enough of! Every time I watch it I get so motivated!! The images and message just moves me! Work hard, reach high!!
My leg is feeling better today. I still can not run or walk too fast, but I feel encouraged and know that this time will pass and I will be back to normal soon! I went for a good 45 min walk outside this morning. It was a cool day,Continue Reading
From – STS has been designed to be a 3 ½ month linear periodization program featuring three workout cycles called mesocycles, each lasting four weeks. Each mesocycle will have a different purpose with the first cycle focusing on muscle endurance, the second on hypertrophy and the third on strength.Continue Reading
Last night I worked out, and it felt great. I missed my running intervals and the intensity and high calorie burn it brings while lifting but I know I need to let my leg heal. I will be doing my strength training at night until my leg is more stableContinue Reading
There is NO success without hardship! All things are difficult before they are easy. Success is not measured by what you accomplish. It’s gauged by the opposition you encounter, and the courage with which you struggle against overwhelming odds. The harder the conflict, the more glorious your victory. No pain,Continue Reading
This weekend was hard. My last workout was Thursday, not by choice, I am having to rest my leg because I have pulled a muscle due to lack of stretching and overextending myself. It is a hard lesson to learn, but I am choosing to look at this as anContinue Reading
Today was hard. My legs were very sore which was odd because yesterday was my day off. I had to really push it today and I am glad that I did but my legs are feeling pretty shot right now! I stopped my first run at 60 mins to stretch,Continue Reading