I am in the middle of writing a LONG blog about the marathon but I wanted to post my splits on here for those of you who are not on FB or the daily mile. It was an amazing day for me!! I have so many photos to share andContinue Reading

A Tribute to a few special people in my life who have helped me get to where I today. May I make you all proud.  I have finally made it to the final days before my first marathon. I find myself reflecting back on my journey, and I am proudContinue Reading

Crazy short blog tonight, I am super tired! I have not been sleeping the past few nights and it is catching up with me. No workout for today although we went to Melshei and walked and hiked the trails for about 45 mins to an hour which burned calories butContinue Reading

I HAVE to get back strength training as soon as possible…that means TODAY!! After the cruise my shoulder injury caused me to become so sedentary when it came to lifting weights. I hate it. I miss it. I need it. I feel soft and squishy 🙂 Marathon training is good,Continue Reading

My results from yesterday…. 4.5 mile walk today on the trails. Nothing fast but the hills along with pushing the stroller gave me a fantastic challenge! Meals for today…. Water – 158 oz M1 – Oats, strawberries, almonds and flax along with scrambled eggs with spinach, mushrooms and ground chickenContinue Reading