Another wonderful day. I took my walk outside this morning as the weather was too lovely to pass up. I wanted to run SO bad but really need to stick to my plan of only running 3 days this week,  so I walked really fast and still managed to getContinue Reading

Today’s workout was a wonderful way to start off this week! My run outside was a cold and windy one but I felt strong!! I want to start posting my meals everyday. I log my foods on a site called My Food Diary but I want to log my mealsContinue Reading

After two hard days of working out I took today off and did some housework.  I will be back tomorrow with Back and Biceps and a run.  Weekly totals –  Time –  303 mins  Calories burned – 2,993  Push ups – 240 Crunches – 200 

Today was another chance for me to experiment a bit with my routine. I love days where I work the chest because push ups are a favorite of mine.  It was not always the case. I have blogged about this before but back in January of this year we boughtContinue Reading