We made it back to Russia. I am exhausted, but it feels good to be home, however I am missing Texas already. We had a lovely time and I am looking forward to getting back into my routine soon. I am shooting for Monday as my start date which willContinue Reading

I am on my way! We are going back home to Houston and to the great city of Austin, Texas! While in the states we are also going on the much awaited cruise to the Bahamas for a dear friends 40th birthday celebration!!  I will do my best to checkContinue Reading

I found this wonderful shake recipe from Bodybuilding.com – Enjoy!!  Ingredients: 1 cup dry measure oatmeal, cooked in water and cooled 2 scoops vanilla protein 3 dashes cinnamon1/8 c sugar free maple syrup or equivalent amount brown sugar replacement 1 tbsp chopped almonds (or flaxseed oil or natural peanut butter)Continue Reading

We are leaving tomorrow to go back to the states! My workout today was short, sweet, fast and wonderful!! I did not run as my knee was feeling better today and I have learned from experience NOT to ruin a good thing! I am confidant that through smart training and rest thatContinue Reading

Today was another great day. My workout was sluggish at first, during my warm up walk, my knee started to bother me again. I think I have to face the fact that I am going to have to visit the doctor and see what is the problem. So my cardioContinue Reading

Here is a great recipe from Dr. Andrew Weil. It is simple, nutritious and super low in calories! This tart, sweet salad dressing is wonderful on dark, leafy salad greens like romaine or leaf lettuce tossed with orange segments, black olives and red onion slivers. Ingredients:1/3 cup fresh orange juice 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 1Continue Reading

Since I was pressed for time today, I tried out a new program that I came up with.  It was simply to do 50 reps of various ST exercises within 30 mins. It was VERY effective!! The key is that you CAN NOT stop! If you need a short break,Continue Reading

Light day of core and glut work. I did not burn hardly any calories but I am sure feeling the effects of this workout!! My abs are burning!!!  Thursday 10/2 – Workout results – Cathe Butts and Guts DVD – Core and Glut work –  Pilates/ Core /Yoga warm upContinue Reading

As usual I decided to switch it up today and instead of running after my ST, I would do intervals in between. I have done this before several times and I am always surprised at the level of intensity it brings.  I did not do any HIIT or sprints thisContinue Reading