What an adventure today was! Last night our bathroom flooded and the bathtub, sink and kitchen sink were backed up! The repair man came this morning and it was a fun time as I speak little Russian and he speaks not a word of English!  I have quite a bitContinue Reading

Today was a short ST workout but it was a great one. I did not do any cardio today as my knee was feeling great so I wanted to give it a rest for tomorrows run. Guess the ice bath helped! Even though todays lifting was short and sweet, IContinue Reading

I have always known that cold therapy works for sport injures, in fact I have used ice baths before to help me recover after a hard workout. I was reading this article on Runner’s World and found it as a nice reminder that I need to be doing this nowContinue Reading

Well today’s workout was short and sweet to say the least but I am SO glad that I pushed myself to get out there and get the job done! I felt good today but as I started lifting I felt as if I had an elephant sitting on me. IContinue Reading

I am feeling so much better today! Still not my firecracker self but I am so happy to be  up and about today with a spring in my step! This is the most energy I have had in a week. Because I missed yesterdays workout I am rearranging my training schedule. So hereContinue Reading

 I have said before, to be fully accountable you have to blog the good days as well as the bad! Today was not a good day in terms of how I felt. I was very nauseated today. I still have not pushed past whatever this is that is holding meContinue Reading

I am reading the Runner’s Worlds Complete Book of Women’s Running right now and I am learning so much about training and pacing out my runs. In the book is an intermediate running program that fits well with my schedule as of now. My knee is still giving me troubleContinue Reading