I am one sore little lady! I feel wonderful in that my muscles have been worked hard and I am feeling it!! I was debating whether or not to do my scheduled lower body and core workout but today is after all a holiday back in the states so IContinue Reading

“A man can be as great as he wants to be. If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile, itContinue Reading

“Never neglect the little things. Never skimp on that extra effort, that additional few minutes, that soft word of praise or thanks, that delivery of the very best that you can do. It does not matter what others think, it is of prime importance, however, what you think about you.Continue Reading

What can I say, I am human! Each week I stay pretty strict on my diet for 5-6 days, then comes the FUN! Pasta, bread and cheese! Yesterday was my cheat day and it was glorious! I did rather well actually for a cheat day and loved every second ofContinue Reading

Try these! For the first time I tried a new one, the walking staggered hand push-ups yesterday and I can tell you I am feeling it today! Great stuff!!! If you have not checked out Turbulence Training do so, it is wonderful. Click here to find out more.

I lifted well today. I did one of my circuit workouts and once again it proved to be a great way to burn calories while lifting! Today was longer than some of my other circuits as I was having to change the weights of my DBs so that took aContinue Reading

I cannot wait for STS to be released!! In the mean time here is another clip. This one is from the bonus leg routine from mesocycle 1 –