My legs are really feeling Wednesday’s workout. Those touchdown single leg squats worked my glutes BIG TIME! Thanks to Cathe and STS for showing me those! I decided to take the day off and just work in my garden. I will replace my run for today with a run outsideContinue Reading

My legs where super sore today so I took it easy with my leg work. I still had another killer workout and I feel wonderful! Total time – 100 mins Calories burned – 1,024 AHR – 145/76% MHR – 191/99%Calories consumed – 1,683 Cardio – 30 mins on the ellipticalContinue Reading

WOW, I am tired! I am posting early today as I have yard work to do and will not be online very much later on tonight. I had a fabulous workout this morning. I definitely pushed it! It has been awhile since I have done pushups so it was aContinue Reading

Another great workout..cardio, core, legs and all goals reached! 5 min warm up on the ellipticalTouchdown one legged squats – 3 sets of 10 reps for each leg One legged elevated lunges holding a 15 lb DB – 2 sets – 15 reps for each leg. Set 2 – 12Continue Reading

Todays workout was just what I needed. I pushed it hard, I lifted well and found myself back in my rhythm again! I need to get a small book so that I can write out my workouts as I did back in Russia. I did full body ST today, mostlyContinue Reading

Our move has gone extremely well and we are loving being in our new home! We are slowly getting organized and will soon be setting up our gym here at the house. In the mean time I have been using my new gym, which is just 5 minutes from myContinue Reading

“Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.” Earl Nightingale “The seed you sow today will not produceContinue Reading

“You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down.” Mary Pickford Today has been fabulous! I feel strong, fit, happy and full of energy! I have pre-logged my food for the day so thatContinue Reading

Today was a fantastic day! Just knowing that soon we will be home gave me a much needed push and my workouts ROCKED! These last few days are bringing out many emotions. We are of course happy, but I am also a bit sentimental in that this place is whereContinue Reading