I am in good spirits today. My run was so much better than Tuesdays and my knee held up very well with my new Patella band I was wearing even though I ran with a few hills today! I am going to continue the running every other day from nowContinue Reading

My PT session went well today. She gave me a list of exercises to work on and my next apt is next week. I bought a band to wear around my knee for support during my runs as well as some sports tape. She said my hamstrings are very tightContinue Reading

Todays workout was good, I kept my run light and did my best not increase my pace too much over the course of the run. I took a long warm up walk which seemed to help my knee during my run. I am icing now and I think so farContinue Reading

I have decided to take today off. Yesterday my knee started hurting again, and even with icing and meds, there was no improvement. This morning the swelling has gone down and the pain is much better, however I do not want to do something stupid and mess up all thatContinue Reading

16 days until my Triathlon!! I have to keep pressing on….”Somewhere in the world someone is training when you are not. When you race him, he will win.” – Tom Fleming Saturday 5/16 – Light 10 mile bike ride with husband. Sunday 5/17 – Rest Monday 5/18 – Bike 12Continue Reading

I am happy to say that I survived todays workout. I was hard for me. My afternoon run was terrible. It was so hot and I felt as if I was running with a weighed backpack on. I just felt so out of it. My pace was slow and IContinue Reading

I really enjoyed todays workout, I kept it light and easy instead of taking the day off. My swim this morning was good, I felt a bit sluggish in the beginning but towards the end my stroke was smooth and I got into a rhythm. After my swim I cameContinue Reading

My workout today was a good one. I kept it a lighter day with my ST and changed up my routine a bit in terms of when I was lifting. I did half of my sets before my run and some after to see the difference in how I felt.Continue Reading

I felt far better today in terms of my energy. I did not have as good of a run as last week and my shin gave me some trouble during the first half mile. I pressed on, slowed down my pace and after awhile it improved. I still was pleasedContinue Reading