“If you set a goal for yourself and are able to achieve it, you have won your race. Your goal can be to come in first, to improve your performance, or just to finish the race – it’s up to you.” – Dave Scott Well, I have now completed 4Continue Reading

Well so much for taking it easy! I started to think about my race and I really felt the need to get out there and just do something today. Even if it was slower than what I would like, it would be better than another day on the couch. IContinue Reading

I took yesterday off as I started to feel a bit sick and I did not want to push myself. I will be headed out today for a short swim, bike, and run. My next tri is in 4 days, so I need to make sure that I do notContinue Reading

I kept things light today but I feel fantastic! I am getting ready to head out and do some yard work, and of course burn more calories in a fun way!! Hope everyone is having a wonderful start to the week! REACH HIGH!!! Daily goals – 1. Drink 1 gallonContinue Reading

I am tapering this week before my next triathlon on Sunday. I am really looking forward to this race as it is a super sprint, which is shorter than my previous races. It is hard to believe that July is here and we only have 178 days left this year!Continue Reading

I am so excited about this weekend, fist of all my husband is coming back from Norway in a few hours! He has been gone all week on business I miss him dearly. This is also a special weekend because it will be the first July 4th we have beenContinue Reading

“You have to put in many, many, many tiny efforts that nobody sees or appreciates before you achieve anything worthwhile.”- Brian Tracy Today was good. I got up this morning and ran early on an empty stomach. I usually prefer to run a few hours after eating but as theContinue Reading

“You’ve failed many times, although you may not remember. You fell down the first time you tried to walk. You almost drowned the first time you tried to swim, didn’t you? Did you hit the ball the first time you swung a bat? Heavy hitters, the ones who hit theContinue Reading

“The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender.” – Vince Lombardi Today was wonderful. It kept my workout this morning light but still managed to get a good burn in and I felt accomplished. After lunch I headed to the pool for a swim and was pleased toContinue Reading

I did it!!! I have just completed 3 triathlons in 29 days! I am super proud that I reached my goal and finished each race strong. My race today was good, I did well but my run was very hard on me and it was not fun! I did manageContinue Reading