I am heading out this morning to start another busy day. In order for me to make sure I reach all my goals I am posting what I am aiming for today so that I may be accountable to you all and GET IT DONE!!!! 1. Drink 128 oz ofContinue Reading

WOW! I just realized it has been awhile since I have posted a workout results blog! BAD JEN!! All is well with my pregnancy, just taking is easy these days. I am staying VERY active but my walks are short and not as fast as they once were. Thanks toContinue Reading

I did not get much sleep last night but for a very good reason! My husband is away on a business trip and I have decided that my little girl is the smartest baby ever! You see, she was moving and kicking ALL NIGHT keeping me company knowing how myContinue Reading

I have been resting and taking things light until my doctors apt on Thursday. After I discuss my workouts with him I can hopefully get back on a schedule. The cramping started again last night and we just want to be sure that I am not pushing it too hard.Continue Reading

I wanted to post some of my favorite quotes. Even if you have seen these before, take a moment to let them soak in this morning. Do not just scan through but insted focus on the message and try to apply it to your life today!!!! “Failure will never overtakeContinue Reading

I am 27 weeks pregnant today! This week has been lighter as I have had to slow things down a bit. My energy is lower this week and my back has been bothering me, a clear sign to slow down. I am still doing well just easing back a bitContinue Reading