All is well. Busy as can be getting ready for a fun weekend with my little family….just us three spending time making memories. Here is a quick look at my food. Will post dinner later but it is a Wild Salmon Filet and butternut Squash along with more juicing. WorkoutsContinue Reading

I am trying out a few new recipes and hoping to post them for everyone to see. Not sure if you will be able to read what it says. This is a test….. – Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Yesterday’s workout was a first and a great deal of fun.  I am quite sure my neighbors think I am crazy as I took my ST to the streets! After a good 6 mile run/walk Michaela was ready for her nap. As she slept I did a good warm upContinue Reading

Day 2 and all is well. I took today off as I was letting my knee rest but my foods etc…were on track. Two of my new DVDs came in today!! TRX boot camp and my Spinervals DVD! Can’t wait to try them out soon! Not much else to report.Continue Reading

Some people drink tea before bed, others water. For us, we are drinking a mix of HealthForce Nutritional products that will without a doubt come back to get us in one way or another later tonight or tomorrow morning. I digress….. HealthForce Nutritionals Spirulina Manna, Vitamineral Green and Earth withContinue Reading

The month I have been waiting for is here!! It is now time to start my 12 by 12 challenge. I could not be more excited about this. In the following days I will post more details but for now my goal is to work hard and lose 12 lbsContinue Reading