Good morning all…. This morning my husband was so sweet as he greeted me with this little book he bought for me. It says on the front…..In Love with you! It is a book of love quotes in Norwegian and he wants to write the English translation below each quoteContinue Reading

Workout is DONE for today and I feel amazing. It always feels so good to know you are starting the week off right and on track for your goals. I fueled my workout this morning with something a bit different than my normal oats etc…today was 1 egg scrambled withContinue Reading

Just came back from an awesome trail run. I absolutely love running here! My view from some of the trails. Signs telling me which way to go….but of course it meant nothing to me as I am new here and do not know the area. I took a detour andContinue Reading

My view this morning from our bedroom! It was so lovely….. Here is my breakfast….a 10 grain mix from Bobs Red Mill plus an oat, rye and brown rice blend with flax and chia seeds. This was the lovely plant my neighbor brought to us last night! So very sweetContinue Reading

Just a few fun pics of my food…. Vegan Thai red curry with brown rice Afternoon tea. Weight to go from Teavana Fresh bread from the local bakery. No oil or sugar….good seeds, nuts and whole grains. White bean salad with herbs and raw veggies. Fresh herbs! – Posted usingContinue Reading

Interesting…… As you can see, I am searching for what is right for me. Lots to read, the main two things I am questioning are wheat and dairy. I like his food pyramid however.  A good mix of foods I think.

Here is my red quinoa and oat bran with apple and flaxseeds…. I am sitting here this morning reading through a few books I read last year when I drastically changed my diet. I loved the principle of clean eating but I longed for something more. The Vegan lifestyle wasContinue Reading

There is a snow storm here and I have to admit, I am loving it!!! It reminds me so much of our years in Siberia. I am a snow girl for sure. Much prefer this weather to a hot Texas summer! We are curled up in the house staying warmContinue Reading