Another short blog. So sorry just totally zapped….in a great way! Fitness – 90 mins 45 mins Pre-breakfast HIIT with ST – Cathe Circuit Blast DVD with extra pushups. 45 min walk outside pushing my girl in the BOB then back home for more stretching and pushups. Total military pushContinue Reading

I am officially finished with day 1 of my 9 day challenge and all is going very well. This challenge is an attempt to get back at blogging my foods and tracking my calories etc….the formula that has worked so well for me in the past. Short blog on thisContinue Reading

My glutes are feeling yesterdays run…..that is all I will say about this. 🙂 For my friend Anne, I am taking the day off. Ok, well it is more the fact that I am totally sore and walking around here like a cave woman which I guess would be okContinue Reading

Cathe High reps DVD….DONE!!! To be honest, I am shaking and SO TIRED! It was amazing!! Now…. I did modify it to make somethings a bit harder……for example, instead of just standing there doing bicep curls, I did curls with sumo squats, then I would drop to Medicine ball pushupsContinue Reading

Short blog tonight… My workout was a short 18 min Ab set from Cathe’s STS Abs circuit. I did the segment with the sliders. It was crazy. I loved it. 🙂 Fuel was spot on today. Though I keep debating this whole Vegan vs Non Vegan thing…..will not go intoContinue Reading

Great day yesterday. Worked hard, ate well….felt amazing. Today, I feel…well, to be honest…..SORE to say the least! I was so happy to say I used 10’s and 20’s during my Cathe workout yesterday and today my gluts are feeling it. No, not my shoulders, arms….my gluts! I did Cathe’sContinue Reading