Challenge totals so far – Miles – 7.03/100 Push ups – 275/2,000 Pull ups assisted – 48/200 Marathon Training Schedule… I stated this the other day in my challenge blog but it is worth repeating, this marathon is going to be SLOW. The goal is to make it across theContinue Reading

It was not the bombastic start to my challenge that I wanted but I am still proud I worked hard. Today was rainy and cold and it zapped ALL of my energy out…which is pretty hard to do 🙂 I went for a great 31 min walk, mostly hill workContinue Reading

New July Totals – Day 14 Miles – 61.78 Push ups – 1,750 Squats – 2,407 Morning run –  4.4 miles, 41:30, AP 9:25 Core Workout – 38 mins 1. TRX pushups – 100 reps 2. Bosu Ball Cross Body Mountain Climbers – 100 reps ( 50 reps for eachContinue Reading

I am sitting here this morning planning out what will be my ST workout for today and I will be honest. I feel really good but tried. I know that I have to push it today as I only have one week before we leave.  Remember the start of myContinue Reading