Week 2, Day 4 and 5 Food blog…

Day 4….Morning – coffee and sweet potato, spinach and chia pancakes. I ate far too many….too many servings 🙁 but gracious are they ever good!

Lunch – Turkey burger with just lettuce – no bread 🙂 but again…..I ate another serving. I had a big appetite today, so I ate…but I needed to be drinking more water.

Dinner – a few bites of my husbands salmon salad and his yogurt, apple, Brazil nut mix. A few small bites of 85% dark chocolate.

Late night – a bit of light popcorn during a movie.

I am also starting to read the Paleo for Athletes book to have a greater understanding on how to fuel properly for my runs without loads of starchy carbs.

Day 5…

Only one pic for today. We were blessed to be able to go over to a friends home here in Norway. They made a super delicious meal for us! It was such a nice treat for me. It was pork with roasted potatoes and the most amazing mushroom cream sauce…and ice cream for dessert 🙂 Good food, good friends…it was perfect!

For breakfast I ate some scrambled eggs and lunch was a few meatballs with a small amount of smashed potatoes, carrots and turnips.

Here is our amazing dinner we had! I a few servings and you know what? I loved every second of it!! It was so nice to treat myself 🙂 Today I am back on track with greens etc…but it was so wonderful to get to let loose and eat some yummy comfort foods!!