7 days to go with my challenge. MUST finish strong.

I was tired today but I got it done, that is all that matters 🙂 Tomorrow is Core/Cardio Circuit then Sunday will be my next ST day. One week from today we leave, I am starting to get really excited as I pack and shop for more outfits. My shopping trips are just so different that the last time I was preparing to visit this region of the Mediterranean and I was so very overweight. Some times it does not even feel real. Anyways, I need to just stay strong these next few days. My workouts and diet are really producing fabulous results.

New Totals for July – Day 13
Miles – 57.38
Push ups – 1,550
Squats – 2,207

1. Alternating DB curls with 30 lb Db’s – Set 1 – 10 reps. Set 2 – 12 reps and Set 3 – 6 reps..I was leaning back on the 6th rep…bad form – not good so I stopped. I want it to be a curl not a swing!
2. TRX – Y’s – 50 reps….these were crazy hard for me today. My back was burning
3. DB Squat press – 30 reps with 20 lb Db’s
4. TRX – Tricep Extensions – 50 reps
5. MB Jump Squat to overhead press – 30 reps with 12 lb MB
6. Two arm front raise with squat – 50 reps with 10 lb DB’s
7. TRX Inverted Row – 50 reps
8. Lateral raise with squat and lateral leg raise – 25 reps for each side – 50 reps total using 10 lb Db’s
9. Pushups – Standard military – 100 reps
10. Two arm bicep curl to overhead press – 20 reps using 20 lb Db’s then dropping the weight to 10 lb 11. Db’s  for another 30 reps – 50 reps total
12. 3 sets of 21’s with 10 lb Db’s
13. DB cross body punches with static sumo squat – 100 reps using 10 lb Db’s

Treadmill Intervals – 5 km, 37:58 mins
Running 3% and 5% @ 8.0 – 11.0 kph
Walking 6% – 15% @ 6.5 – 7.5 kph while lifting 5 lb Db’s…curling, punching and overhead press.

I am happy to say that I did run one interval with the Db’s but it was only at 3% incline and at 8.5 kph. I was punching with the 5 lb Db’s while running  and I have to say I felt like Rocky in that brief moment in time!

Nutrition for the day –

Water for the day – about 4.5 L
M1 – Egg whites, chicken breast, spinach scrambled together. Kefir, ground flaxseeds, almonds, cashews and apple mixed together. A protein shake – whey protein powder with spinach and skim milk
M2 – Whey protein shake with frozen berries and spinach with a little skim milk and water
M3 – Gluten free cracker with natural PB. A small amount of chicken breast and a few cashews and 1/2 of a protein shake I made for my husband and I….whey protein, spinach and berries with skim milk and water
M4 – Ground chicken over a spring mix with almonds, avocado, tomatoes and asparagus.