Motivated in spirit but so very tired.

Today it is cloudy, windy and cold outside. Still hard for me to believe it is June. The high for today is supposed to be 52 and there are some very strong winds up here today. Crazy. It is hard when it is so grey and cloudy outside. So for today I will be working out inside although, if I am honest, nothing sounds better than curling up in bed with my baby girl and reading a book, or watching a Discovery program with her. I feel like a lazy Mommy today! 🙂 My energy is so low and so I am going to be sure and get as many greens in as I can along with bee pollen and all the things I know can help get me through the day.

My challenge is going well, just on hold for a few days while I get my body back to feeling normal again. It has been a hard few weeks with my husband gone and my sleep has been off big time. Now, with all of this comes what I am feeling in my heart. I have more motivation and drive right now….but my body cannot keep up with my mind!! So for today, I am going to do what I can. That is right. No set goals, just the desire to make the right food choices, move as much as I can, stretch, get my PT for my knee in and do all I can to make the most of today! It may be as small as getting in my water, making sure I get good nutrient dense foods like Veggies and good fruits, or even getting some rest when my little girl takes her nap.

Some days are about hitting it hard, others are about restoring the body of what it needs. If you are smart about it, your body will thank you!! 🙂

Wishing everyone a super blessed day!