Today was good. I kept it simple, straight forward and I feel I am on the right track to make this week strong and HOPEFULLY the scale will reward me from my hard work.
Nutrition for the day….
M1 – Protein shake….Whey protein with berries, water and fiber blend. Bobs Red Mill 10 Grain cereal with 1/2 apple and my LACV. A few bites of homemade muesli with flax and almonds.
Post workout – BCAA’s and L- Glutamine with water and VM Green with Earth. 1/2 apple and almonds
M2 – Egg whites, spinach, quinoa, tuna and tons of veggies. Fresh pineapple and apple
M3 – Chicken salad with egg whites, protein shake with 1/2 cup of vegetarian chili
M4 – Homemade muesli with almond, flax and apple
After dinner – VM Green and Earth
Fitness for the day….
Crazy fast ST workout with treadmill intervals. As a Mom I do not have loads of time, especially now that Kayla is order and we are learning and exploring more and more together so my workouts have to be something I can fit into my day. So for this morning I did a fast 12 station circuit in about 30 mins!! Then I got on the treadmill for a quick 20 mins of intervals.
ST 12circuit workout using light weights…..
1. 10 lb medicine ball chops with sumo squat – 50 reps
2. Medicine Ball pushups – 50 reps with high knees between reps
3. Reverse fly on balance ball – 50 reps with 3 lb DB’s
4. Military pushups – 50 reps
5. Cross body punch with knee crunch – 50 reps for each side punching with 3 lb DB’s
6. Kettle Bell swings with sumo squat – 25 lb KB for 50 reps
7. Spiderman pushups – 50 reps
8. Two arm bicep curls – 50 reps using 10 lb DB’s
9. Jackknifes on balance ball – 20 reps
10. Sumo squat with bicep curl to shoulder press combo – 50 reps using 10 lb DB’s
11. Sumo squats with two arm front raise using 10 lb DB’s – 50 reps
12. Diagonal Medicine ball chops – 50 reps using 10 lb MB
Treadmill intervals – walking at a 6 % incline with 5 lb DB’s alternating curls to overhead press with front raise, then alternating running slow, then back to incline – 20 mins
PT for my knee – 35 mins on the bike spinning medium resistance then to light then back up – 11 miles then stretching and foam rolling
51 day challenge totals as of today……
Miles – 87.7/200
Pushups – 700/2,000
Weight loss – 1/5 lbs……….scale is truly hating me these days 🙁 I am going to take it with me on the cruise coming up and I am throwing it overboard…HA!
Happy Monday All 🙂 Keep Pressing on!!