31 Days to go! Daily Results…

We had the most glorious day!! It was beautiful outside, sunny with a high in the upper 50’s! We walked from our house into town to shop and play then traveled back home for a total of 10.22 miles of walking!! I did a bit more in the city when we were playing but I stopped my watch as we were just having fun. Coming back home the stroller was very heavy from the shopping and all the groceries so heading up the hill home really got to me. I always feel so out of shape when going back up to the house!

Anyways, today was everything my heart desired. Quality time with my baby girl, a great workout on a lovely day, healthy eating and my dream husband to come home to!

Nutrition for the day…..

M1 – Bobs Red Mill 10 grain cereal with walnuts, apple and a protein shake

M2 – 1 piece of flax bread from Charles and Di while out

M3 – Tuna, quinoa, egg white and spinach mix from yesterday. Fresh Pineapple

M4 – Veggies, quinoa, grilled Cod and a small protein shake

M5 – Watermelon!! My favorite dessert 🙂

51 day totals as of today…..
Miles – 97.9/200
Push ups – 700/2,000
Weight loss – 1/5lbs