30 days to go!! Daily Results!!

Wonderful ST today. It left me so tired and feeling amazing!

Time – 56:26 mins

20 Stations each with 25 reps then when completed repeat the circuit for a second round for a total of 50 reps for each move.

1. Medicine Ball Pushups
2. Sumo squat with bicep curl to shoulder press with 10 lb DB’s
3. Military push ups
4. Medicine ball crunch with raise on balance ball
5. Medicine ball twist on balance ball
6. Over head press with static lunge with 10 lb DB’s
7. Romanian deadlift with 10 lb DB’s – 25 reps for each leg, each round
8. T-plank to pushup
9. Two arm bicep curl with front kick using 10 lb DB’s
10. One arm lateral raise ( leaning against a wall) using one 5 lb DB – 25 reps for each arm, each round
11. Reverse fly on balance ball using 5 lb DB’s
12. Spiderman Pushups
13. Two arm KB swing using a 25 lb KB
14 Diagonal chop with 10 lb MB – 25 reps each side for each round
15. Functional rotations using 10 lb DB’s
16. One arm overhead press with sumo squat and twist – 25 reps for each arm, each round using one 10 lb DB
17. Standing oblique crunch with leg raise  – 25 reps each side for each round
18. Bridge raises on balance ball
19. Roll outs on balance ball
20. One arm rows – 25 reps for each side, each round using one 25 lb KB

Nutrition for the day…..

M1 – Bobs red mill 10 grain cereal and quinoa with flaxseeds, walnuts and chia seeds

M2 – Greek yogurt with chia seeds, blueberries and apple

M3 – Ground turkey with Kale, Spinach, bell peppers and onions over romaine lettuce

M4 – Protein shake with berries, banana and VM Green with Earth

M5 – Watermelon

51 day challenge totals as of today….

Miles – 97.9/200
Pushups – 900/2,000
Weight loss – 1/5 lbs but I measured today and my hips are down even more!! Yea!!