23 days to go. Daily Results…

New totals – Day 28….
Miles – 173.7/200
Push ups – 1,463/2,000
Weight loss – NOTHING…..weighed today and the scale going in the wrong direction 🙁 Must keep pressing on….

Fitness for the day –

ST – with 300 squats and 160 push ups along with 6.53 miles of walking with hill work

Military push ups – 50 reps
One arm overhead press with sumo squat using one 20 lb DB – 50 reps
Body weight squats – 50 reps
Front raise with sumo squat using 8 lb DB’s – 50 reps
Lateral raise with sumo squat using 8 lb DB’s – 50 reps
Jump Squats – 50 reps
Sumo squat press with one 20 lb DB – 50 reps
Bicep burnout – Alternating bicep curls using 30 lb Db’s – 16 reps then switch to 10 lb Db’s for two arm curls non stop to 50 reps…..love it! Heavy to light….great way to BURN!!!

Afternoon walk – 6 miles with HILLS!! I took the hilly route and worked up some hard hills pushing the stroller. It made for a great workout. My ITB seemed to be a bit sore, especially going down hill. I had to keep my pace slow when going down hill as it is so hard on my knees. But I pressed so hard climbing up, especially the last hill home. I took the steep side!! The last turn home is a 20% incline!

After the walk I cooled down for .53 miles then did another 110 military pushups for a total of 160 for the day!

Total miles for the day – 6.53
Walk – 1:37 mins – 6 miles

Nutrition for the day –

M1 – Vega shake with 1 cup of Kale, 1/2 banana and milk

M2 – 1 apple with natural PB and 1 gluten free cracker

M3 – Egg Whites, Salmon, Napa cabbage and a small amount of Tofu mayo mixed together

M4 – Whey protein shake with berries, banana and greek yogurt with flax and chia seeds.

M5 – Turkey breast with tomatoes, chills, avocado and broccoli