Successful day… ready for bed.

It is 7:29 pm here and I have taken my bath and I am in bed blogging about to seriously fall asleep. Once again my fatigue is beyond words. From the house work, playtime with my girl, working out… the end of the day I feel just completely exhausted but I also feel so accomplished….as if I did my best and I can rest in knowing I did all I could on this day.

Here are my stats for today……

Fuel – 1,502 calories – Food Log Can be seen HERE

Fitness – ST Circuit Training – 10 stations – 50 reps per station….

1. Military pushups – 50 reps
2. Tricep pushups – Close grip – 25 reps along with Diamond pushups – 25 reps
3. Side tri rise – 50 reps ( 25 reps per side )
4. 2 arm bicep curls – 50 reps using 20 lb DB’s…..this was hard, very proud I pressed on
5. Shoulder press – 50 reps with 10 lb DB’s
6. Laying down 2 arm tricep extension – 50 reps using 10 lb DB’s
7. 2 arm bent over back row – 50 reps using 20 lb DB’s……another one I struggled with but I made it!
8. Balance ball reverse flys – 50 reps using 3 lb DB’s
9. Horizontal MB chops – 50 reps with 12 lb medicine ball
10. Side to side chops – 50 reps using one 20 lb DB

Cardio – 7 miles Run/Walk with hills

AHR – 128
MHR – 180……I remember running that hill……ugh

6 miles run with walking intervals – had to walk down the hills while pushing my girl then I did running repeats uphill and throughout the run – AP 12:40 – slow but I had to walk a bit more today than I would have liked due to my knee. It is hard pushing her up hills with my knee….but going down hill is actually worse…..

M1 – 14:03
M2 – 13:24
M3 – 12:50
M4 – 12:12
M5 – 13:23
M6 – 10:10

Cool down walk – M 7 – 15 min aprox