Cathe High reps DVD….DONE!!!
To be honest, I am shaking and SO TIRED! It was amazing!! Now…. I did modify it to make somethings a bit harder……for example, instead of just standing there doing bicep curls, I did curls with sumo squats, then I would drop to Medicine ball pushups with mountain climbers etc……I just kept moving for the whole hour. I also did not do the chest presses but instead I did more pushups, to me it is better as I am working more muscles and it gets my HR up more….I am all about calorie burn these days. Instead of tricep extensions……..I did diamond pushups and close grip pushups – I wanted more combo moves than just standing there lifting……for me it just works. Now for some things like dead lifts, I did not do anything else but for the lunges with sliders, I raised DB’s overhead… really made the workout POP – BIG TIME!!
I used DB’s for this workout – 5 lb DB’s for bent over flys, and some shoulder work, 10 lb DB’s for biceps and shoulders and 20 lbs DB’s for biceps and dead lifts along with a 12 lb MB.
If you want a great burn, check it out!!