My scattered thoughts this morning….

Ever wonder what goes on in my mind? Here is a look, an honest look at a conversation with myself this morning. I too face fear, worry, and doubt…..

To be honest, I feel tired, but I have goals to reach. I see the weights sitting here and I want to lift them like I want a hole in my head right now. I am looking out at the trails and I feel like curling up on the couch rather than running.

I MUST stay focused….I Must remember how it feels to reach that goal, that dream…..I can do this. I can do this.

It is not going to happen overnight. It is not going to happen with me taking the easy way out and saying I will do it tomorrow. The time is NOW!!!!

What will I reach today? What will I accomplish? What are my goals for the week?

I need to stop and evaluate where I am and how I have made it so far. I cannot sit by and be content in my maintenance zone thinking there is not more to be done. We will always have something to reach for.

Do I have goals set for this week? NO! Why not? Well, because I am comfortable with where I am and all I have accomplished. Why? Is there not more to strive for? Yes! So, I pledge to set goals and do all I can to reach them.

Be accountable. This has worked time and time again. You know what works, you have done it before…now go out there and DO IT!

You tell people who write you what to do, how they can lose weight, train and eat well…etc. Do you want to be a living example of what you say or do you want to just sit back and be comfortable where you are?

See those hills, see the trails. They are calling you! You are blessed to have legs, a strong heart, a healthy mind and a fighting spirit. Use it…..

Reset. Refocus and then Reach!

Goals for the next 2 weeks – not this month, not this year……just the next few days before me. Small steps lead to BIG changes!!

1. Get in 3 days of ST each week
2. Try and walk everyday for at least 30 mins… If raining, go for the bike.
3. Run…Run…Run…every chance I can.
4. Stay on track with foods. Going back to the formula which got me here….Pescetarian…..Fish, whole grains, legumes, veggies, fruits……..this has worked for me so very well.
5. Keep my grains to the morning and focus on veggies and fish at night.
6. Get my VM green in EVERY morning and night.
7. Stretch and use my grid roller – cannot keep forgetting about my ITB….my marathon training WILL suffer.
8. Concentrate on the core. Planks, planks, planks…….
9. Where is my water jug? Get back to that lovely 128 oz of good old fashioned water every day, it worked so well.
10. Grapefruit, raw carrots, broccoli, fennel, apple etc….during the day. Remember your snacks. Eat them. Eat, eat, eat throughout the day – good, clean  foods. Must remember to EAT!!!

Fitness Goals…….Runs may change due to weather here, substitute will be Cathe HIIT or other cardio DVD…..kickboxing etc…along with the bike.

Tuesday 2/21 –  Cathe High Reps dvd ( which was set for yesterday….never got done) along with a walk outside with Mimi for at least 30 mins.

Wednesday 2/22 –  Run at least 45 mins but as long as I can……or as long as Mimi lets me while she sleeps!

Thursday 2/23 –  Run at least 30 with HIIT intervals

Friday 2/24 –  Cathe Drill Max DVD or another ST program along with core work

Saturday 2/25 –  Bike… 10 miles Run….at least 30 mins, longer if I can…weather permitting….I need a treadmill……..

Sunday 2/26 – Bike 10 miles

Monday 2/27 –  Cathe ST dvd along with core – Run/walk outside with BOB and Kayla

Tuesday 2/28 – Rest

Wednesday 2/29 – Bike 10 miles, Cathe HIIT 30/30

Thursday 3/1 – Run/walk outside with BOB and Kayla

Friday 3/2 –  Cathe ST dvd with core work

Saturday 3/3 –  Rest

Sunday 3/4 – Rest

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