Another short blog. So sorry just totally zapped….in a great way!
Fitness – 90 mins
45 mins Pre-breakfast HIIT with ST – Cathe Circuit Blast DVD with extra pushups.
45 min walk outside pushing my girl in the BOB then back home for more stretching and pushups. Total military push for the day….150 reps!
Fuel – 1,502 calories
Fats – 26.5%
Carbs – 45.0%
Protein – 28.6%
Pre-breakfast VM green and detox tea
Post workout….2 eggs with one egg white scrambled along with my protein pumpkin pancakes and some strawberries and Teavana weight to go tea with black tea.
Snack was PB, cucumber, tea with soy milk
Lunch was one piece of buckwheat GF bread with tuna salad….apple, celery, mustard and low fat organic keifer. Tomato and avocado on the side. Jasmine green tea….
Dinner was baked Salmon, roasted brussel sprouts, spinach salad with broccoli and tomato and butternut squash.
Tea and grapefruit for dessert. Then VM green before bed.
Day 3 here we come!!!!
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone