And so another challenge begins TODAY!

I find it funny how driven I become with set challenges. There is something about setting goals, posting them for all to see, and then remaining accountable to not only your self but those around you. To me, it is one of the biggest things that motivates me to keep pressing on month after month, year after year.

My husband and I want to get back to our green days when we were juicing like mad and drinking all kinds of weird yet wonderful mixtures I was creating. We are starting a detox or cleanse if you will this week. Nothing formal, no set plan from a book or so on, just getting back to what we were doing before our vacation. We are both very close to our set goals for this year and want to work hard this week to get a jump start on them.

My husband has a business trip coming up to Asia, more specially Singapore and those who have been there know it is food heaven! Definitely one of our favorite places to eat around the world. Thai, Indian, Malay, Indonesian, Chinese….you name it!! But it is better than anything you have had before – anywhere – I promise! Anyways, he wants to really get down to business this week on his diet before leaving and I am going to join him! The couple that juices together is a happy couple 🙂

So the plan is as follows. Every morning we will wake to drink our hot water with lemon, acv and aloe vera juice. A variation of this is to also add in RWK just cranberry juice and hot pepper. Then after this comes my favorite, the greens!! We will be drinking every morning and night…..for me during the day as well, the amazing green products from HealthForce Nutrtionals – Vitamineral Green and Spirulina Manna. In the evening we will be drinking HealthForce Nutrtionals Earth, Juicing and ending the day with more lemon water, acv and aloe vera.

Of course there will be our meals throughout the day these will include loads of quinoa, organic omega eggs, brown rice, beans, all veggies, fruits, Ezekiel breads, Salmon, Wild Dover Sole…..etc. You know just really good whole foods, not focusing on Vegan or Vegetarian but rather getting back to my eat clean days where my focus was on eating foods in their natural state, or unprocessed. This is the single biggest factor that has aided my weight loss for all these years.

For fitness my goals this week are a bit different than weeks past. We have so much going on right now and our weekends are packed so the long bike rides are harder for me to get in – however – we did go out for a great long ride this weekend as my parents where here to watch our baby girl. We did over 20 miles and loved each and every second together!

Fitness Goals for this week –

Monday – Run 3 miles / ST with TRX and Cathe
Tuesday – Run 4 miles
Wednesday – 60 mins of Spinervals DVD on Lemond bike and ST with TRX.
Thursday – Run 4 miles
Friday – ST, CrossFit
Saturday –  LSD – 8 miles

I know I STILL have not posted photos from our recent trip, not to mention the before and afters from Paris back in May. I am going to try and get this done this week if possible. My online time is just not what it was before and to be honest, I am so happy about that. There is just so much going on right now – all wonderful things and it keeps me super busy!!

Here is a quick look at a few of our London/Scotland pics from September – more to come I promise!

Running in Scotland, a true dream! Even in the rain!! 
Running around Windsor, we missed getting into the castle as it was closed but the experience of the city and our awesome run was worth the visit!