Ice, rest, yoga and loads of FUN!

Today I am resting my knee. I thought I was a hero this weekend and while swinging a 25lb kettle bell I strained my knee. I did manage to get in 12.7 good miles prior to this happening. I am hoping that after a good rest today,  I can come back stronger and far wiser next time I decide to rock the KB’s 🙂

We spent this weekend getting more stuff together for our gym. We moved the couch down to the study which opened the room up a great deal. We also got more weights and a bosu ball for added variety.  It will really be nice to have all of this on days I cannot make it to the gym. I love working out while Kayla naps and now, I can have far more to chose from when getting a good ST workout in.

We finally watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and LOVED IT!! By the end of the film we both were crying so hard….especially the last image of the movie. SO MOTIVATING!

Take a look! Watching it will change your life!

Have a blessed day!! Off to get some lunch in… beans, mushrooms, brussel sprouts, tomatoes…..loads of goodness! I am also hoping to get in a good yoga session in and if my knee allows, some foam rolling and stretching before another icing session.

Blessings to all. Keep pressing on. Whatever your journey, wherever you are…..YOU CAN DO THIS!