My husband and I are on a quest to better ourselves through fitness and eating healthy. Micah has always supported me in my training and all throughout my weight loss journey, I could not have asked for more, but now he has taken his support to the next level. He has developed a passion for fitness and wellness, more than I have seen him have in the 13 years we have been together. I am so proud of him. He has been going to the gym in the mornings and working out with me here at the house as well.
This weekend we started off our Saturday with a 6 mile trail walk including part of the George Mitchell Nature Preserve…it was lovely! After this when Michaela was ready for her nap, we started our CrossFit/Cathe/Athletica workout. This was SO hard. I love each and every second. After this, I continued on and Micah finished with 140 mins of hard work!! Seriously, the mix of the CrossFit stations along with Cathe’s band workout and the amazing ST dvd Athletica………WOW, very intense aerobic ST. I thought it was harder than P90X. Cannot wait to do this circuit again, we were drenched with sweat! Love working out like this.
I did a bit more ST along with a hard 15 mile ride on the Lemond. He was right there with me, handing me my lemon water and my DBs when I needed to do my punching intervals while on the bike. I will NEVER forget one of the funniest moments. He started playing Mario on the Wii while I was on the bike and during a HARD climb, he stopped to cheer me on. As I was about to be in tears as I was pushing myself so hard and I was tired after working out so long he gently said, ” As hard as it gets, just think how hard it is for Mario”……..I about died laughing.
On my final climb, he stood in front of me cheering me on, reminding me of my goals and helping me push harder. My legs were burning, shaking so hard but his support got me through. I finished the day with a total of 221 mins of the best workout memories.
This morning sore as can be, I ventured out and did a strong 9 mile walk. My last mile was a 13:05 and I was super happy…….and super sore as well 🙂 We have another ST session tonight when he gets home from work, and I need to complete 100 pushups by the days end as part of a FB challenge from one of my fitness teams. I have done 46 military pushups so far….got to get to 100 🙂
Micah is taking tomorrow off for a very special day with us. It was 2 years ago, August 16th that I found out I was pregnant, and tomorrow we are going to celebrate this special day and the blessing God has given us with our precious Michaela. I am hoping to get in another 6 – 8 mile walk tomorrow morning back at the Nature Preserve followed by a fun day up at the gym swimming with Michaela and enjoying our time with Daddy!
We now have 4 weeks until we leave, I need to step it up! My weight loss is so slow these days. Hoping for another 1/2 pound loss this week. These last few pounds are going to be tough, but I can do it!
Michaela and I are off to get some very special things for tomorrows big day with Daddy!
Hope everyone has a blessed day! Work hard, reach high!!!