The next 30 days….

Above is a recent picture of me in Washington a few weeks ago. We were traveling up to Hurricane Ridge in the Olympic National Park and it was COLD!! I was happy to see just how much my weight loss has changed so many things for me. I was able to fit into smaller sizes of jackets, coats and sweaters on this trip that I would have never been able to wear. It hit me time and time again on this trip just how much I am shrinking….but I am not done yet!! It is encouraging to see these changes as it propels me forward to my next challenge, which for me, begins today!!

Over the next 30 days, I am going to be setting out yet again on another mission to further my fitness and continue on this amazing journey I started 5 years ago. I am SO very close to what I feel is my ultimate goal and I really do feel if I continue to stay on track I can reach this goal by December.

I have VERY big goals and races ahead of me for this year and even more so into 2012. I will discuss these at length later on but for now I want to focus on the month at hand.  This past vacation was a great one in that we stayed on track and did not consume any meat….except for fish. I guess you could say we are Pescatarian, if you want to be technical. We consumed massive amounts of Salmon, Crab, Sea Bass….everything you can imagine, even lobster! YUM!! Back to what I was saying, I am getting off  track, imagine that 🙂 Anyways, as I was saying, I want to reach for new goals this month to make July the BEST MONTH by far!!! Several of my FB friends are doing a similar challenge and I feel with the incredible support they give me along with my determination, I can do this!

Fitness Goals for July –  

You will notice my running is tapered as I am trying to allow my knee to fully heal, my next HM is in August and I really need to be ready for this one.

Cycling/Spinning – 5 days a week for 60 mins using either the Specialized (road bike) or LeMond Rev Pro

Swimming – 3 days a week aim for 1/2 mile or longer

Walking – 5 days a week 3 miles, nice and easy pace

Strength Training – 3 days a week either TRX, Cathe or one of the classes at the gym. ie Bodypump….

Yoga/Pilates – 3 days a week for at least 30 mins focus on core work along with running poses to help in my ITB and knee injury. Either at gym via reformer classes or dvd at home

Running – until injections are finished running will be limited – must discuss with doctor

Physical Therapy – Twice a day take time out to do my exercises and use my foam roller

Nutrtional/Wellness Goals for July  – 

Continue daily routine of LACV in the mornings, Oolong and water during the day and juicing daily as well.

Maintain a Vegan/Vegetarian diet…..still consuming fish – this just works for us.

Make the majority of my meals raw, at least 75% good whole, clean raw foods.

Start and finish Dr. McKieth’s Cleanse and Detox program along with HealthForce Daily Cleanse routine. Will discuss in further detail as the days progress.

Resume my Day 1…Day 2 results blogs for increased accountability including photos of my foods each day.

Weight loss goals for the month of July

I am aiming for a 4 lbs loss this month. As I get closer to my goal I am finding it harder to lose more each month, so this will be a big goal for me!