Happy Friday!

Busy day for me, but a great one!!! Lots to do in prep for an exciting weekend with just us three. Yard work, organizing, and finally printing out tons of pictures to hang of our trips together! Fun stuff to do as a family.

I am going to do my best to organize through the Paris pics as well as this last trip to do a big before and after collage to post. That excites me!!!!!

I will also post my day 3 blog and the big one, the blog regarding my races coming up! Exciting times for me for sure.

In the mean time, here was my breakfast……

HealthForce Nutritionals Spirulina Manna and Vitamineral Green, Banana, Mango, soy milk, flaxseeds, chia seeds and Life Basics Vegan protein powder. To sweeten I used Stevia with a dash of agave with vanilla. Yum!

Here’s to another successful day!!! Reach HIGH!!!

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