Going for 12 more!

I never thought I would be back to where I once was so long ago. I am very, very pleased with my weight loss so far and after thinking about where I want to be, I have decided to go for 12 more pounds this year. As stated yesterday I am hoping to lose 4 more pounds this month. I am also going to push for another 4 pounds the month of June. If I can do this it will leave me with only 4 more to go by July! After losing the 12 pounds I will re-evaluate where I am and decide what to do. I have been reading Racing Weight and the more I think about my running potential I feel that I need to lean out a bit more and once I do I can focus on toning and maintaining my weight. I have a feeling these last 12 will be a challenge to melt off. My weight loss is going very well but it has slowed down and I really have to watch my diet VERY CLOSELY to ensure I keep losing. I want to take my time losing these last few pounds as we all know the slower the weight loss, the better! I want to maintain my muscle mass while burning FAT! 

I will never be thin, all I want to be is FIT!!!! I still have a long road ahead of me but I really do feel that through hard work and consistency I can someday look back and know I did it – I finally reached my dream!

I feel strongly if I continue eating well and training for my races along with my ST, I CAN reach this goal by the end of the year!

Short term goals for the next 3 months –

May – Lose another 4 lbs and 2 inches ( waist and hips if possible )
June – Train for HM in Seattle for PR, Lose another 4 lbs and a few inches
July – Focus on ST and training for August HM