A new month, a new challenge and a new ME!! The TRX 12 starts today….

The totals are in and trust me, I am just as shocked as you are!! I literally MELTED this past month! I give God all the glory, for without Him, I have nothing! 

March Meltdown Challenge Results – Starting March 1st 
Weight Loss – 9.2 pounds…my highest one month lost to date!! WOW!! 
Inches Lost – 2.75 inches 
Miles – 83.85 

Wellness totals for the year – Starting January 1st 
Weight Loss – 24.6 pounds 
Inches Lost – 10.5 inches 
Miles – 212.59 

I really do not know what to say. I stepped on the scale this morning with my husband next to me and I think we both were in total SHOCK! I was a bit worried as my dinner had sodium…..my seared Ahi tuna and avocado had sea salt added and on top of this the salad I had for lunch….well, the dressing was full of sodium, so I was wondering what would happen. All I can say is my husband KNOWS my body. 🙂 He always tells me that after a race, I hold onto water for a few days and then like clockwork, the scale just DROPS like crazy!!! This last week was particularly hard as mother nature decided to pay me a visit before my race and so I was bloated like mad. I guess everything I am doing is helping and now the scale is leveling out. 

I am sitting here seriously IN TOTAL SHOCK!!!! What a fantastic start to this month! 

And so it begins, my next challenge, The TRX 12. 

For those who may be wondering what on earth I am talking about, TRX is suspension training and frankly…..IT ROCKS! A total body workout along with a great cardio burn. For this month my goal is to complete the TRX 12. What does this mean? Well, I am aiming to complete 12 TRX sessions, each lasting a MINIMUM of 45 mins. This may sound as if I have thrown in the towel and I am taking it easy this month but this will be my hardest challenge to date. TRX IS HARD! 45 mins on this bad boy is NO JOKE! I am talking about 45 mins of straight high intensity lifting with cardio, no rest, moving from one exercise to another. That is hard, but I feel I am up to the challenge. 

In addition to the TRX 12. I will be aiming to complete 12 personal goals each day. Why 12? Well it goes along with my TRX 12 for one but the real reason is for my daughter. On April 4th she will be 12 months. This month is for her, and so I am celebrating everything in 12’s this month! LOL! 

My daily goals for the month of April are as follows…….. 

1. Read the Bible every morning. Before emails, blogging, FB or Spark, I need to spend time where it matters most, in God’s word. I need to make this the FIRST thing I read every morning. Whether through devotionals or scripture, this should be my priority for without God, everything else in this life is meaningless. 

2. Drink my gallon of water daily, Ok, for those who know me well, you are probably laughing right now. This is by far the easiest goal ever for me. I am a water NUT! I do not drink juice or soda, for me it is all about the H20! But I still need to make it a goal to ensure I stay on track. 

3. Take my vitamins and supplements daily. Again, this is an easy one for me. 

4. Take photos of my food for my blog. THIS IS KEY! I am telling you now, you will make smarter choices if everyone and their Grandma can see your food! 

5. Make sure and get at least 5 cups of tea per day. Oolong, Matcha, Yerba Mate, Roobios. 

6. EVERY morning wake up and drink my usual lemon, acv, and cayenne pepper drink…along with RWK just cranberry juice as a extra add in if needed. 

7. STRETCH! Use my foam roller every day! This is a hard one for me! 

8. Squat Challenge – My goal for this month is to complete 1,200 squats. 

9. Complete 12 TRX training sessions, each lasting 45 mins. Time can be broken up into segments IF needed, but the goal is to get AT LEAST 45 mins of ST on the TRX. 

10. Complete 1,200 pushups this month! Remember my pushup challenges….well, they are back! LOVE IT! Here is the thing….ALL OF THEM must be military, NO KNEES! I can do incline or decline, balance ball pushups, TRX atomic, or other types but NO knees. 

11. Weight loss goal – to lose another 5 lbs this month. 

12. Run and walk a total of 100 miles for the month of April. 

There you have it! I am going to work harder than ever this month and I cannot wait to see the NEW ME that will be reveled at the end of this glorious month!