As some of you know I am apart of a website called Sparkpeople. This site has truly changed my life!! I am posting my workouts, logging my foods etc..on the site and continue to see amazing results!
Here is a link to my sparkpage……JENSFITJOURNEY
I am going to blog on here as well as I love the extra accountability it gives me. Forgive me for not responding to emails, comments and such more but I am busy these days with little Kayla and the hours pass quickly each day.
I am SOOOO excited about this upcoming year! I will post a blog later with my goals etc. I ended 2010 with a BANG! I lost 8.6 lbs in the month of December alone and since starting my anniversary challenge November 1st, I lost 12.4 lbs in 2 months! SOOO happy with these results!
Happy New Year All!!