12 by 12 challenge results, Day 26!!

Wellness totals for the year starting January 1st, 2011….. 

Weight loss – 7.4 lbs!!! 4.6 lbs to go!! SO CLOSE!! 
Inches loss – 4.5 inches!! 
Miles – 70.39 

Daily results of 12 lbs by 12 months old challenge. Day 26… 

My splits – 
Mile 1 – warmup, knee hurt – 11:31 mm 
Mile 2 – feeling better – 10:27mm 
Mile 3 – feeling AMAZING – 9:08 mm 

First run in my CW-X compression tights….no brace. My 6 miler turned into a 3 miler as I was worried about over doing it with my half marathon only 3 days away. I will do an easy 3 miler tomorrow to make up the difference in the mileage. The first mile my knee felt as if it was going to fall off, but after warming up I hit my stride but it was not until the 3rd mile. 

Time – 31 
Calories burned – 402 
Calories consumed – 1,433 

Meal 1 – 1/2 Larabar and a TON of water with lemon 

Meal 2 – Grilled chicken with veggie salad on side and brown rice chicken soup 

Meal 3 – Greek yogurt with fresh blueberries, blackberries, chia seeds, raw organic trial mix and flaxseeds. 

Meal 4 – Homemade Dino Kale, Swiss chard, Lemon, Ginger, Mint, Apple, Carrot and Watercress juice. 

Meal 5 – Metabolic reset shake with Chia seeds and Almond milk 

Meal 6 – Detox tea and water with lemon.