Weekly Totals – Starting 1/1/2011….
Miles – 3
Pushups – 10
Crunches – 0
Squats – 0
I did very well yesterday. I kept my walk light but still felt amazing, knowing that I did something to better myself. I have my half marathon in 28 days! WOW! I have been not running after my half in December to take care of my knee and keep things light and now another race is upon me. I am taking this race VERY differently as I have another half April 10th that I am trying to train for hard, so this upcoming half will serve as a long training run or a weight loss race as I call it! You know something you sign up for not to reach a PR but just for the joy of doing it and hopefully drop a few pounds along the way.
My April race is now 14 weeks away and I have signed up through Runners World to have my training through Training Peaks. I am hoping it will be a good plan for me!
Here is week one of my half training….
Monday – Easy 2 miler, ST at gym or Cathe/P90X
Tuesday – Rest with light walk
Wednesday – 5 miler, Tempo
Thursday – Easy 2 miler, ST at gym or Cathe/P90X
Friday – Rest with light walk
Saturday – 7 miles walk/run easy
Sunday – Rest
Daily results of 12 lbs by 12 months old challenge. Day 1….
Totals for the day –
Time – 48 mins
Calories burned – 282
Calories consumed – 1,222
Miles – 3
ST – 10 pushups
Meal 1 – Oatfit packet with 1/2 apple and ground flaxseeds. Water and lemon. Morning detox, RWK Just cranberry juice and apple cider vinegar.
Meal 2 – Grilled chicken, spinach, onion, red bell pepper, sun dried tomato pesto sandwich with cup of tortilla soup – no cheese or tortillas, just broth and chicken. Afternoon detox same as morning but with Garden of Life Raw perfect food.
Meal 3 – Red mango yogurt no topping.
Meal 4 – Tortilla crusted tilapia, spinach, bell pepper and broccoli along with evening detox drink ( see above)