39 weeks pregnant with our angel Michaela Madison!
What a fantastic appointment this was! Everything was right on track and I am progressing really well. I am now 2-3 cm dilated and 70% effaced. He was able to really feel her head big time this visit and it looks like my body is definitely getting ready for something to happen. He is estimating again that she is around 7.5 – 8 lbs. Which i am very happy with. My BP was wonderful at 116/70 and my weight gain is now at 24 pounds total. I am SOOOO happy with this as it is probably my last weigh in. I needed to stay within 25 -35 pounds and so I am super proud of how well I have done.
After my visit I had some strong contractions in Target, 2 of them, 5 mins apart. So maybe that is a good sign! We may just have a little Easter baby after all. We are soaking in these last few moments together and tonight will be taking some more pregnancy photos, trying to get those last few memories in! I took some photos today from the doctors office that I will post later on along with the ones from tonight. We have a STRONG feeling that this weekend she will be making her BIG debut! We will see!