Well I am pleased to say that we had another fantastic appointment! My doctor is going out of town this weekend and so I am going to be one lazy lady while we he gone in hopes that nothing happens! We are in a waiting mode as of now. She could come today or it could still be another week away, only God knows. It can be hard emotionally as we think somedays, is this really happening? And then nothing happens but one thing is for sure, my body is progressing and doing what it is supposed to be doing.
Today we were a bit disappointed as my husband and I were sure there was going to be more dilation and effacement only to find out that the numbers from last week where not what we thought. Miscommunication on our part I guess as in my chart it was showing something totally different than what we thought we were told. I guess my husband and I heard things wrong, you see that is what happens when you are in a daze in the doctors office as you are so excited about what is happening! Regardless of the misunderstanding, this week I am 2 cm and 60% effaced, which we confirmed with the doctor as he was checking it in my chart while we were there so that there was no misunderstanding! He was very pleased with my progression and while he thinks and hopes that I will not go into labor this weekend, we all agreed it is just a guessing game from now on!
As far as my other numbers, all were on track! My BP was fantastic 114 /78 and my weight gain so far is now at 23 lbs, YEA!!!! I was only up .4 lbs from last week so it seems to be slowing down, which is a good thing!! Michaela’s HR was fantastic and strong reading 138 bpm. She is head down and wrapped around my left side. So cute! The best news of the day was that she is doing well. I was concerned as her movements have not been as much as before but last night she was pressing out of me quite a bit. My doctor told us that her movements should be slowing down and it is normal. She is LOW I can tell you that for sure! While checking me the doctor felt her head which I think is just amazing! She is getting into position to see us!
Over all this was a great appointment. We made it to 38 weeks with a healthy baby girl and a healthy Momma to be, what more could we ask for!