Workout results 2/20 and 2/21 – Day 9 and 10 of The Mommy to Be Olympic Challenge!

I have had to take it easy this weekend as I feel as if I am starting to get sick or just really worn out. Everyone always says to listen to your body, well I have done just that. I did get some light walking in so at least it was something.

My goals for this next week are simple, to stay active as much as possible! My Olympic challenge is really helping me stay on track. My numbers are not as high as I would like but at least I am doing my best and making an effort to give it my all each day.

Several of you told me to add the cleaning the other day to my challenge and my husband agrees. While I am not going to add all 7 hours I will add a couple of hours to my total as I did push myself very hard that day and it was far more exhausting than walking. It is funny how hard things become when pregnant! My inner thighs are so sore and almost feel as if I pulled a muscle from climbing my stairs so much as of late. I am hoping for another strong week doing the best I can each day. I have so much to do this next week as we are leaving on Friday for my baby shower up in Dallas!!! We are so excited about this!

Tonight we are going to take some more candid shots around the house of my belly! I want to take as many as possible while we have the chance. Everything is going well in terms of my pregnancy. On Friday night my husband and I were curled up talking about the next few weeks and all the excitement that is to come with the arrival of our little girl and she started moving again, big time! At one point she pressed out so far we both screamed out loud, in a funny way of course. We were laughing and screaming, oh my! I have NEVER seen her press out like this before and you all know how active she has been in the past.

She has been doing this all weekend but nothing like it was Friday night. It was an emotional time for both of us. My husband this weekend started thinking about my delivery and all that is to come and was very emotional. He started thinking about the fact that soon he would be holding his daughter. It is truly special and gives me a feeling that I cannot describe.

I am trying the best I can to stop and savor each moment of this journey and I only hope I can do the same when she arrives! I am realizing more and more what a blessing it is that we were able to have our little girl. I want to be grateful for each part of this. Even the hard moments when I am tired and do not feel well, I want to find joy in the journey!

Blessings to everyone!

Here are my results from the weekend as well as my new totals –

Saturday – 2/20
Fitness – 20 min walk
Nutrition – Splurge day! It was good though, I had Ice cream! YUM!
Water intake – 128 oz

Sunday – 2/21
Fitness – 30 min walk
Nutrition – 1,692
Fiber – 54 grams
Protein – 107 grams
Water – 64 oz as of now but will get to 128 oz by the end of the day.

Overall totals for my challenge –
Fitness – 396 mins or 6 hours and 36 mins
Nutrition – 6 days out of 10 within calorie range (1,500 – 1,800)