Today was my first baby shower that was given to me by my neighbors. All the ladies went out of their way to make this time SO special for me. It truly was lovely. The lunch was fantastic and the cake, WOW! It was adorable with flowers, ribbons and a little baby girl on top! The table was set with pink and white tulips along with gorgeous china. There were even little babies floating in our glasses frozen in the ice cubes…too cute!
We talked, laughed, shared, baby stories and got to know each other better. They gave me special cards filled with advice for a new Mom along with an adorable princess crown that read New Mom to be! LOL! It was so cute! I was so touched and overwhelmed with the gifts! I was not expecting so much stuff! I got everything from baby clothes, towels, a boppy, baby books, a sound machine, a baby scrapbook, pacifiers….and the list goes on! I will try and post some photos this weekend. It was a wonderful day and one that I will treasure always! My next shower will be the 27th of February. This is the one my family and close friends up in Dallas are throwing for me. I am excited as my aunt is flying in to be there and I have not seen her in about 3 years.
On the fitness front I did NOTHING today! I enjoyed my lunch and shower, ate cake and had a wonderful time! I will try and get out for a walk this evening with my husband and dog. Maybe a mile or two. I am NOT logging my calories today for obvious reasons! So today we will call it my cheat day. I deserve one right?!?! I am drinking my water and having a good dinner. Egg whites and brown rice scramble, a favorite of mine. My 32 week appointment is Tuesday morning and I hope I can have a good weigh in, I think i will be ok! I want to show a gain of 18 – 18.5 lbs. We will see what happens!
My husband is leaving tomorrow for his trip to Norway and I am not looking forward to him being gone. It will be a hard week for me. I am hoping that I can stay busy by walking, organizing, reading my baby books and working on a new blog we are doing for our family and close friends. Wednesday night I am attending my first childbirth class. I am excited but we are sad that my husband will not be there. He will only be missing the first class and bless his heart he is so sweet, he was talking about calling my cell phone so he could listen in on the class. I told him I woud take good notes for him. He has been so good making every appointment, it is hard for him not to be there.
For now I am going to enjoy my night with my precious husband before he leaves tomorrow. Have a blessed weekend everyone!