A few more pregnancy pictures and the name of our little girl….

I have been waiting for quite awhile to announce our daughters name. I really wanted the family to hear the name first. We announced the name to the family in our baby shower invitations and so now that the family has received the invites I can now tell you that the name we chose for our daughter is…..Michaela Madison.

We have loved this name for years, far before we even knew we were going to have children. The name has a special meaning to us for several reasons. First of all my father’s name is Michael and my husband’s name is Micah. The two names share the same meaning in Hebrew, ” One who is like God.” The female version of Michael is of course Michaela. So our little girl will be named after her grandfather as well as a her father. I am an only child so my father, Michael, is thrilled beyond belief that is little granddaughter will be named after him.

We are so excited and cannot wait to meet our precious Michaela or as my husband likes to call her, his little Kayla Bear!