Everything went extremely well at my doctors apt today. My little girl is healthy, growing strong and still very active. Her HR was 134 and strong. I always love hearing it! It took the nurse awhile to get a reading as she was moving around too much and was kicking back at the doppler once again, she apparently does not like that thing!
The doctor checked out everything and I am perfect for where I need to be at 30 weeks. My girl was head down and wrapping around the right side of my belly with her little bottom at the upper right side of my stomach. So cute!
We discussed my labor for a bit as I am planning a natural birth, no meds. Yes, I know I am crazy but I really want to do this. He told me to keep working out as much as possible and he feels I will do well, however if there is a problem and the labor is too long that I may need one as we do not want to place the baby under too much distress. But that would not be until 8 to 10 hours of labor. I pray it does not last that long! LOL! 8 hours with no meds…OUCH!
In terms of my weight gain, I am still doing well. I weighed in showing a 16.4 pound gain here at the house and a 16 pound gain at the doctors office! For 7.5 months I am totally happy with that! My next apt is at 32 weeks and my goal is to weigh in around 18 pounds.
SO thankful for another good report, it really is such a blessing!