The best moment of our life. Ultrasound and pregnancy update….

Today was by far one of the most amazing moments of our life! This morning we had another ultrasound of our baby to determine not only the sex, but to assess the fetal anatomy. The good news is that the baby is SUPER healthy in every way! From the brain to the spine and heart. We were able to view details of the brain, bones, kidneys, hands, feet, face…..everything! It was amazing! A true miracle from God. We were first and foremost wanting to make sure the baby was healthy and are so thankful to God that all is going well. The baby was kicking like crazy, grasping on to the umbilical cord and so on. To see this was beyond words. We were crying, laughing and holding each other in amazement. The lady who was performing the ultrasound said like 3 or 4 times how active my baby was! Maybe I do have a little triathlete on my hands!

Now for the part were I make everyone wait….SO SORRY! I am going to tell my family the sex of the baby at Thanksgiving so in order to keep things a surprise I am holding off telling online friends for now. I know, I know, I make you wait and then make you wait some more! SOOOO sorry!! Hope everyone understands but I have family members who read my blogs and I want to be able to call everyone and tell them first instead of them reading it online.

For our parents we are telling them in person on the 24th. We are buying a gift for them and when they open it, they will obviously know if it is a boy or girl! We are both only children so this is a HUGE moment for the grandparents and I want them to be able to share in the good news first. Now, as soon as my family knows I will broadcast it from the rooftops and we will also post the ultrasound photos as well. I cannot tell you what your emails and comments have meant to me. Thanks SO much for supporting me during this time.

I finished my morning shopping for the baby and now I am waiting for my husband to finish a meeting then we are off to do some more and celebrate tonight with a special dinner.

I am heading out now for a walk, my baby needs me to continue with my fitness schedule!

Thanks again for all your amazing support! More photos to come soon….