20 week pregnancy update! Half way there…

Yesterday my husband and I attended our 20 week doctors appointment. The good news is we received more positive feedback from the doctor! In regards to my health, everything is on track. My weight gain, fundal height, blood pressure and over all well being is going very well. He said once again how impressed he was at how good I am doing with my exercise, nutrition and weight gain.

I am now half way through my pregnancy and it leaves me with many emotions. My first is a feeling of excitement because I am even closer to meeting my precious baby. However I am also a bit sad. I LOVE being pregnant and it is just going by so fast. To be honest, I wish it could last longer. I know some of you are thinking I am crazy but it is a feeling I cannot describe. I used to think if I was ever pregnant I would be counting down the days until I could be myself again but now, I feel totally different. I am a Mother to be and I wake up every morning with a purpose. I no longer workout for the sole purpose of reaching a PR, burning a certain amount of calories or even training for a race. Instead, I exercise for the health of my baby and to ensure that I am the very best that I can be for my child. I love the feeling of knowing that through God’s wonderful blessing, we have created life together. So yes, I am sad, I am half way through this life changing and beautiful journey I have been on. The good news is soon, I will old my baby in my arms and begin a new journey, one that I am sure will be beyond anything I could have ever dreamed.

The doctor confirmed what the ultrasound showed us on Monday. The baby’s health is wonderful! The weight, length, heart, spine, brain etc….are perfect and developing well for 20 weeks. My next appointment is December 17th which will be my 6 month checkup along with the standard glucose test for gestational diabetes. I am not too concerned with this but apparently it is done for everyone to ensure all is well.

After my appointment yesterday I went shopping and got my hair highlighted and I developed a terrible headache. I came home and went to bed at 6 pm! I was hurting so bad. But after a good nights rest, I feel far better today. As a result I was only able to get in 1 mile yesterday but at least it was something. As a result I am off my miles for the week so I have posted the new schedule I will be following.

Monday – 1 mile walk – DONE!
Tuesday – 4 mile walk – DONE!
Wednesday – 6 mile walk – DONE!
Thursday – 1 mile walk – DONE!
Friday – 2 mile walk
Saturday – 3 mile walk
Sunday – 3 mile walk
Goal 20 miles for the week

Monday – 3 mile walk
Tuesday – 3 mile walk
Wednesday – 3 mile walk
Thursday – REST! Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Friday – 3 mile walk
Saturday – REST!
Sunday – 3 mile walk –
Goal 15 miles for the week

I am now heading out this morning to buy our Turkey and all the yummy ingredients for our Thanksgiving we are having this weekend. It will just be my husband and I as we are going to Dallas to see the family on Tuesday. This weekend we are continuing a tradition we started 10 years ago when we were first married. We decorate while listening to the Carpenters Christmas Album and then we watch White Christmas and my favorite Little House on the Prairie Christmas special…yes, I am a huge fan! The wassail will be on the stove all weekend, pumpkin bread in the oven and I am sure many carols being sung throughout the house!

Off to shop for a perfect Turkey,Christmas lights and cranberries! Blessings to all of you…