Pregnancy Update…

I wanted to give everyone an update on my pregnancy and how I am doing but before I do I want to thank all of you SO much for the outpouring of support through comments, emails and prayers given for my family and I. I cannot tell you what your words of encouragement have meant to both my husband and I. Thank you all for taking the time to bless us in this special way.

I am doing very well. This last month was by far the hardest so far. For those who may not know my husband and I traveled to Singapore and Japan for a few weeks. Before leaving I started to run a low grade fever and I had congestion along with coughing, the short of it, I was very sick. After arriving in Singapore I went to a doctor and was placed on an antibiotic after my test for the flu came back negative. The antibiotic worked but when were heading to the US after our vacation in Japan, the flights, jetlag and extensive travel we were doing got the best of me and by the end of the trip. I was in bed for the majority of the time. I was starting to feel really bad again even after the meds, so I had to go to another doctor here in the US and I was placed on another antibiotic. After all of this I started having your typical morning sickness which made me feel even worse. The good news is that after all of this I am doing well and feeling like my old self again! My workouts have been VERY light, mostly walking and I have started doing yoga as well as my weight training.

We had our checkup with the doctor the other day and the baby is strong and healthy, not to mention VERY active!! I think we may have a little runner or triathlete on our hands! As we were getting our ultrasound the baby was kicking like crazy and was moving so much that the doctor could not get a heart rate reading. After awhile, he/she stayed still for a bit and we were able to get a reading of 160 bpm which is perfect for where I am in my pregnancy! We will find out the sex of the baby in 5 weeks!!! We have been so excited shopping for cribs, strollers and everything baby we can find! Despite the rough time I had last month, it has been an amazing experience for my husband and I.

I will start logging my workouts this month, as last month there were not many to report. I have been eating well and have switched to all organic, which I feel good about. I am hoping for a great week and I hope that I can start swimming again once my ear clears up from last months infection. We have made a difficult decision but one we feel is best. I was set to fly to Denver to see my family and participate in the Denver half marathon along with members of my family. I am not running the race now and because I was so sick last month we have canceled the trip all together as it is flu seasons and I do not want to get on another plane and risk getting sick again. I need to be healthy and strong to get myself back on track and that needs to be priority number one.

I hope to report a strong week in my next blog! I am off to drink my super food green juice and start my yoga!

Blessings to all and thank you again for your prayers and support!