Workout Results 7/21

Today was good. I was able to get a quick ST workout in along with an easy bike ride. My garmin was working thanks to my husband who switched out the power cord on the charger and now it works! Thank goodness!! I am off to get some work done in my yard before the MUCH needed rain hits.

Hope everyone is having a fantastic day and you reach all your goals!!

Here are my goals for today…..
1. Drink 1 gallon of water – almost…after dinner
2. Take all vitamins and supplements – done
3. PT stretches/ foam roller – done
4. Stay within calorie range – done 1,778 calories consumed
5. Ice my knee at least twice – not yet…
6. Complete scheduled workout – done

Totals for the day –
Time – 61 mins
Calories burned – 575

ST Upper body – 20 mins
Calories burned – 90

Standard push ups drop sets- 52 reps total (starting at 10 reps and working down every 2 reps then working back up to 10)
Upright rows using 40 lb band – 15 reps
Alternating curls using 40 lb band – 24 reps total – 20 reps with 4 reps double
Reverse fly using 40 lb bands- 25 reps
Pulse holds for reverse flys using 40 lb band – 25 reps
Bicep curl to overhead press using light red bands – 15 reps
Close grip push ups drop sets – 52 reps
Close grip lat pull downs with 40 lb bands -15 reps
Lat pull downs with 40 lb band – 15 reps
Underhand lat pull downs using 40 lb band – 15 reps
Over head tricep extensions with 40 lb band – 15 reps
Tricep pulldowns using 40 lb bands –

Bike ride – Easy 12.5 miles
Avg speed 18.2 mph Max speed – 26.3 mph
Time – 41:04 mins
Calories burned – 485