Well it was not exactly the start I wanted to the week, but I still had a fantastic run. I started off for my run last night and my garmin was dead, and I do mean DEAD! It had been charging since Friday but for some reason it was not working. I had to get out for my run so without my dear and beloved 305 I took to the streets. I have no idea how far I ran or what pace I was running but I will say that my intervals where wonderful. I did sprint intervals with a slow run for recovery for 17 mins then I walked for 14 mins as a cool down. The sad thing is that 2 of my intervals may have been my best ever and now I have NO way of recording my speed, a cruel joke! LOL! It definitely felt like a PR run but I guess we will never know. The important thing is that I got out there and did my best. Today is my swim and strength training day. I think continuing to alternate my days of running will help my ITB. It felt strong last night and I had no pain running.
Totals for the day –
Time – 31 mins of sprint intervals and a cool down walk
Calories burned – 332 ( from sparks calories calculator)
Here are my goals for today…..
1. Drink 1 gallon of water – done
2. Take all vitamins and supplements – done
3. PT stretches/ foam roller – done
4. Stay within calorie range – done – 1,601 calories consumed
5. Ice my knee at least twice – done
6. Complete scheduled workout – done